Apple Cider Syrup
This is my newest obsession! Apple Cider Syrup is made from 100% organic apple cider and nothing else so it is free of dairy, gluten and refined sugar. It is, however very high in fructose, so should be eaten in small amounts. It is AMAZING over pancakes/waffles, or as a syrup over any of your favorite desserts. It can also be used as a sweetener anywhere you would use maple syrup or honey! Having only one ingredient, it is almost not even a recipe, but, there is some nuance to how to cook it. I know you will adore it!
64oz. 100% organic apple cider
1. Pour apple cider into a deep, wide pan and heat over medium to medium/low heat. The wider your pan, the faster this will cook down.
2. Bring apple cider to a simmer and then turn down heat till it is just a very gentle simmer.
3. Stir your cider every 20-30 minutes at this point. Be sure to scrape up any sugar crystals that have formed on the bottom of your pan and allow them to dissolve into your syrup.
4. After about 90 minutes, you will find that your syrup has reduced significantly, and it is simmering more rapidly. Go ahead and turn down the heat till it is again at a gentle simmer, stirring and scraping up any sugar crystals.
5. You now want to check your syrup every few minutes, continuing to stir and scrape. It is easy to go from syrup to hard candy to a burnt-on mess, so watch it carefully now.
6. Continue to reduce till you have 1-1/2 cups of syrup. It will be darker in color and will lightly coat your spoon or the bottom of your pan. It will still be liquid, but will thicken as it cools.
7. Remove syrup from pan and place in a heat safe container like a ball jar. Allow to come to room temperature before refrigerating it. Store syrup in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. I like to take it out of the fridge for a few minutes before using so that it is not quite so thick.
8. Enjoy as a glaze on vegetables, a syrup for pancakes/waffles or a sweet drizzle over your favorite dessert!