Hey Everyone!
Welcome to Cook Colorful! I'm so glad you are here! I am the mother of 4 if you include my wonderful husband, 2 amazing children and 1 very energetic dog! My career began many years ago as a Physical Therapist. I have always loved helping people improve upon their lives from wherever they are. At that time it was working with adults with spinal cord injuries and brain injuries and then I later went to work with children. I also loved to bake and cook for those I love! I truly enjoyed my career until my life got complicated. First, my son was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and I had to relearn how to cook and bake so that he could be safe. Then, I was diagnosed with Leukemia. I am so fortunate that the form of Leukemia that I have is very treatable and I have a long life to look forward to. At the time, however, I felt out of control. These diagnoses made me think about what could I do better in my life to take care of myself and those I love. I quickly dove deep into the world of functional medicine and nutrition. I learned a lot and changed the way my family and I eat, recharge and appreciate the world around us. I am so excited that we are all feeling great and I hope that I can share that healing and excitement with you!
Each person has their own journey to health. Whether you are looking to maintain your great health, regain your optimal health or heal from chronic disease....healthy food is a large part of the answer! At Cook Colorful, we believe that rather than limiting what you eat, you should focus on eating high quality whole, nutrient dense foods that leave you satisfied. Beyond that, listen to your body. Eat what makes you feel good. Stop eating when you are satisfied, not full, and if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it! Processed foods are rarely actual foods, but rather empty calories created to make you crave more. All of our recipes are free of gluten, dairy and refined sugar while being FULL of delicious flavor! I am here to answer questions when I can, provide resources when I don't have the answer, but, most of all to share my love of cooking to create chronically great health!
Be well and Cook Colorful!