Drizzly Coconut Caramel Sauce

This is the caramel sauce that you want to use for dipping apples or making an amazing, yet healthier apple crisp. Don’t forget chocolate! This caramel sauce is the perfect topping for my chocolate olive oil cake or molten chocolate lava cakes as well! Fall is not the same without this one! It will seem to be a bit thin when hot, but, will thicken slightly as it cools. Want to “kick it up a notch”? Add a tablespoon of dark rum after taking the caramel off the heat. It adds just a touch of rum flavor that balances out the sweetness perfectly!



1 can of full fat coconut milk, refrigerated ( choose a coconut milk that is just coconut, water and guar gum. Others have preservatives which make them stable when cold. We want the ones that get hard. I prefer Whole Foods Brand 365 or Native Forest)

1 cup coconut sugar

1/2 tsp. kosher salt

1 Tbsp. vanilla extract

1 Tbsp. dark rum (optional)


  1. Refrigerate can of coconut milk several hours or overnight until the liquid and solid portions have separated. Scoop the hardened cream into a small saucepan saving the liquid for a smoothie.

  2. Stir coconut sugar into the coconut cream and add kosher salt. Bring mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to a rapid simmer.

  3. Continue to cook, stirring frequently until the sauce begins to darken and thicken slightly. It should coat the back of a spoon when it is done

  4. Remove from heat and add 1 Tbsp. of vanilla. Mixture will bubble up when you do this. Just mix it in and let it sit off the heat. It will thicken further as it cools.




Potato Latkes (pancakes)